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The Project

The Mantua and Sabbioneta site Management Plan shows with particular relevance strengths and weaknesses of the cognitive framework currently available on some of our most representative heritage assets. 

Discovery Mantua


Although the garden is a fragile organism and its duration naturally short, the passing of centuries in Mantua has not completely erased the gardens of the many Gonzaga residences from the time of the Signoria [TN: Rule/Dominion] (1328-1708): a trace of this heritage persists and those who wish to, can still contemplate some secular spaces...


The Gardens

Research and studies conducted through a reinterpretation of historic iconography and cartography, compared with archival sources, with the aim of defining a preliminary overview of the gardens and green areas that complement the many Gonzaga residences in the "historic Mantua" area, enabled a survey of 85 sites between the current provinces of Mantua, Cremona and Reggio Emilia...

A Garden's Tale


The Gonzaga family, captains of the people, marquises and later dukes, governed Mantua without interruption for almost four centuries (from 1328 to 1707); ordering all the aspects of city life, of their territory and of the institutional organization of the state, they progressively conditioned economic development, the regular and secular religious realities and the artistic and cultural environment...

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